Check out our Q2 donations

In May, we added a new feature to It is now totally up to you to which charity we should donate. Every time you have placed an order, you have helped.

You have done a great job! Thanks to you, we have been able to donate a total of 720DKK to Psykiatrifonden, Sex & Samfund (DFPA), Plan Danmark and The Danish Cancer Society.

It is important to Kongstad Studio to encourage positive change in our world. When you buy one of our products, you are literally making a difference for someone else. You could be the one that makes sure scientists at The Danish Cancer Society get the needed funds to discover game-changing research or maybe you are helping a mentally ill person who just needs that last bit of support to become the best version of themselves. Maybe you are helping vulnerable children learn how to lead (the next Bill Gates perhaps?) or maybe you are ensuring the right of everyone to make free and well-informed decisions.

Nevertheless, you are helping someone every time you make a purchase at besides treating yourself or someone you love with posters with a positive thought.

So, we salute you. Thank you for helping us help the world.

Is there an organization that we should consider adding to our donations? Please reach out to us and tell us about it! You can email us at